cesarean section;induced demand;healthcare quality
經濟論文叢刊, 第47卷, 第4期, 第621-664(TSSCI)頁
In May 2005, Bureau of National Health Insurance doubled the reimbursement for vaginal delivery to the same rate as paid for cesarean section (c-section) in order to reduce the c-section rate and improve the quality of care. This reimbursement adjustment provides an excellent opportunity to examine whether such a payment increase can improve healthcare quality. Using obstetric cases of firstborns in 2004 and 2006 from National Health Insurance Data, this study examines if there was a negative relation between quality indicators (e.g. c-section, re-admission, and length of stay) and doctor's income, measured in terms of payments paid by NHI for baby delivery. To control for the endogenous bias, the study employs "first-difference" methods to attenuate the bias arising from unobserved factors, and restricts the sample to firstborn babies. Our results indicate that the doctor's income and c-section rate is statistically uncorrelated on the whole, but negatively related for doctors who previously had a lower percentage of c-sections. Additionally, we found the payment reduces both the 14 and 30 days re-admission after vaginal delivery. Furthermore, the analysis indicates that one explanation- a c-section is preferred by women for the sake of personal reasons- is largely consistent with our empirical findings. Finally, we found the effect of the payment increase did not spill over to gynecology or pediatric services in the same hospital.